A basketball hoop in the driveway, on the garage, or above a poured slab of concrete in the back yard is a must for hoops junkies. The new basketball goal is the perfect place to shoot some hoops with your kids, sharpen your own game, or get in a game of two on two with the gang from the neighborhood. However, before you go to put your basketball hoop up, there are things to consider. Where should you put it, how should it be attached, and what type do you want to get?.First and foremost, you will need to decide what kind of basketball hoop ou need. The three main types to consider are portable basketball goals, in-ground basketball goals, and wall mounted basketball goals.
Only by considering the pros and cons of each kind will you be able to determine the best type of hoop for you and your home.A portable basketball hoop is going to be best if you are someone who wants to be able to move your goal inside at the end of the day. It is also going to be your best bet if you don't want to go to the trouble of installing an in-ground goal. It is also perfect if your family moves frequently or lives somewhere that will just not work for a regulation court. The base that holds the hoop system in place is generally filled with water or sand, but is still easily moveable because of a set of wheels on the front of the base.
The more traditional basketball hoop is the in-ground goal. This hoop is actually anchored in the ground. In-ground goals work best for people or families that have a space where such a goal can be installed. This is usually ground just next to a driveway or a concrete pad that has been poured expressly for the purpose of basketball. If you are thinking of buying an in-ground hoop, take into consideration that it is a fairly permanent fixture and probably not for you if you plan to move in the near future.The in-ground hoops can really be divided into inexpensive and heavy duty.
The inexpensive are the type you would buy for younger children. They are not as sturdy and do not last as long, but they are fantastic for giving children a place to shoot hoops at home. The second type, the heavy duty in-ground basketball hoop, is great for both children and adults. Generally they have break-away rims to accommodate dunking and to give a truer bounce. The heavy-duty cost more, but will last longer and will withstand heavy use much better than the inexpensive brands.
The heavy duty goals are generally best for those that are more serious about basketball.Wall mounted hoops are also popular. Wall mounted goals are ideal for those who are have only limited space, but want to put up a more permanent basketball hoop. The wall mounted hoops come with brackets so that they can be mounted on an already existing area. They can be put on garage roofs, against walls, or even off of the side of your home if you so desire.
These permanent basketball hoops are commonly found above garage doors for great driveway play. The installation on them is a bit easier than in-ground, but offers you the challenge of having to get on top of your garage or a ladder.No matter which system of mounting your basketball goal you use, just make sure it is the best one for you. Find the right one and you will be giving you and your family a chance to play a great sport right outside your front door.
.Christopher M. Luck has an extensive background with over 18 years experience in dealing with basketball hoops and is now offering his free professional basketball hoop advice to the public. If you are at all interested in Christopher's basketball hoop advice, tips, or secrets, you can visit his basketball hoop blog.By: Christopher Luck